Friday, August 12, 2011

Nights and LPODs

Please forgive any mistakes and/or ramblings that appear in the blog in the near future - although I can no longer claim pregnancy brain, I can absolutely claim shear exhaustion. Since Thomas is back at work, I'm handling the majority of the overnight duty (Thomas still helps out some - but he needs to be able to sleep more than I do). This wouldn't be a problem is Liam slept at night like he sleeps during the day. I think last night I saw some part of every hour on the clock until I finally slept from about 5am - 8:30am. During the day, he's good for 3-4 hours each feeding, easy, but at night, he manages to pee through his diaper and wakes up angry (I would be too). When he gets too upset, he then needs to be fed, whether its been an hour or four. You have to remove yourself from a zombie state and remember when the last time he ate was so you can either give him a full bottle or only 2 oz depending on how long it's been. I learned the hard way the other night not to overfeed him - I was rewarded with baby formula vomit on me from head to toe. That's not something I want to repeat.

I'm not sure why you can't go back to exercising quickly after giving birth...I'm doing nine pound curls on almost an hourly basis and my back is feeling it. Definitely not ready to go run a marathon, but I think I might be able to hold my own at the weight rack in the gym. All the up and down with the little dude is adding up - maybe I'll have momma biceps by the time maternity leave is over.

I'm not complaining, I love my little man, but I would do just about anything at this moment for eight solid hours of sleep. The lack of sleep is definitely taking its toll - I feel like a zombie. I try to nap during the day, but there is a lot of stuff to do. Thanks to the feedings and the subsequent diaper changing requirements, there is a LOT of laundry. There are also bottles to be cleaned, a baby to be held, and a momma to feed (which only happens on occasion - sleep and baby trump lunch). Fortunately, I have a lot of help. Thomas is great when he gets home from work and Dad comes by during the day to lend a hand and hold the baby. Of course, once Frank gets back from the Indiana trip, she probably won't put him down for two or three days. Now that Jessica has been successfully returned to Indiana, Thomas has been instructed that Aunt Jessica must receive an LPOD message daily (LPOD = Liam picture of the day). She won't see him again until Thanksgiving, and by that time, little man will be almost four months old and completely different...and hopefully sleeping through the night.