Sunday, August 7, 2011

Something New Every Day

Every day I learn something new about Liam. He's a week old tomorrow and already I can see him growing and changing. He's doing better during diaper changes (one of the few times he gets fussy with us) and he's awake a little more each day for playtime. He's also already so strong. He can hold his head up and move it around. He loves to focus on lights and people. He knows what is comfortable and what isn't. Today while I was holding him on my shoulder, he completely readjusted himself so that he was laying in my arms, facing me so he could watch me. He just kept pushing and scooting until he got there. Absolutely amazing...I can't believe what such a new little guy can accomplish.

We had his newborn photos taken today, too. That was an experience. For as much as we put him through, he did very well. However, he didn't let us get away with too much craziness. During naked baby pictures he peed the cushion and blanket we were using and during outside pictures (during which he was diapered) he peed the chair. He manages to wet himself often thanks to the petroleum jelly we have to put into his diaper for his circumcision to heal. It creates a waterproof barrier in the diaper and then it's essentially like he has nothing on at all...very counterproductive. Fortunately, that's healing very well and we can have functioning diapers again soon. I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out - our photographer was amazing! There are just a few more photos we are going to try and take ourselves tomorrow that I want to have. I definitely want one with all three of our hands and Thomas wants one of him in Packers gear sitting in the cheesehead. If we can get it done tomorrow, I'll post them.

It all still seems a little surreal most of the time. I have a baby...I'm a mommy. I keep waiting for the hormones to kick in and for me to go a little crazy. First, I feel that I've earned a little moment of crazy and second I never really went pregnancy bonkers during the 40 weeks (Thomas may feel differently, but I don't recall more than a handful of times when I just went randomly nuts). Of course, given my experiences thus far, I'll probably continue to be atypical. Oh well, not going crazy wouldn't exactly be considered a bad thing. I do get the urge to cry every now and then, but they are always overwhelming tears of joy, like I can't believe that I made the precious little man I'm holding in my arms. The good news is that if I do go crazy, I've got an unbelievable support system - I guess I'm prepared either way :)

Right now, my biggest complaint is my "clubfoot". For some reason, the swelling on my right foot refuses to go down. It might go down some during the night or even during the day, but more often than not, it's swollen up and bears little resemblance to foot...and nowhere, and I do mean nowhere, is there an ankle. Other than that, my pain medication is pretty much keeping on top of the rest. I can tell when I do too much and Thomas still has to help me shower and get dressed, but overall, I'm pretty resilient. I told the nurse I'm "good" at surgery (like you can really be good at surgery) and she knocked on wood. Turns out I knew what I was talking about. Not that I'm signing up for a marathon or anything, but I'm feeling 1000% better than when I was in the hospital. I promise to continue to take it easy until I'm fully healed, but it's nice to feel human again (and to not have a human inside me). I do have to use a stool to get in bed. Not really sure that is safe, but it's the only way I can get into bed without straining too much and believe me, I'm sleeping in MY bed.


  1. when my son was circumcized, they gave us little strips of gauze that were pre-coated in petroleum jelly to wrap around the little area. they were quick and easy. i wonder why they aren't passing those out anymore. have you tried soaking your swollen foot in ice water? are you trying to keep it elevated above your heart when possible?

  2. I had swollen ankles for a couple of weeks after, too. Scared the bejeesus out of me. You're doing great! Glad all is well! Love to y'all! :)

  3. Ugh! My feet were actually MORE swollen after my second c-section than during the entire 37 weeks of pregnancy. Keep 'em up as much as possible. (You'll sweat like a linebacker the first couple weeks postpartum and they'll go back to "normal" size). Sounds like you've got an amazing baby there. Can't wait to meet him.
