Monday, September 5, 2011

A Record Breaking Weekend

Frank and I set out for Central Texas at 7am on Friday morning. One McDonald's stop, a U-turn, three hundred red lights on Hwy 6 (don't ask), a stop at Sonic for Frank's diet vanilla coke, one diaper change, 4 oz of formula and a stop in Cameron to see Judy later...we finally arrived in Rogers a little after noon. Frank spent the next two hours showing off her grandbaby to anyone and everyone that would pay attention, heathen high school students included. The first comment from just about everyone was how much little Liam looks like a mini-Thomas (well...except he's not so mini). Liam did very well, especially since we was passed around so everyone could get in baby snuggle time (hey, I understand...I like to snuggle other people's babies, too).

After a quick stop at the bank and a visit to see his Great Uncle Eddie and Great Aunt Melba, we got a phone call from Judy asking us to go pick up her dog from Belton. No problem, we were closer, but at this point I was fiending for a nap. I had only slept about 3 hours the night before and about the same Wednesday night as well with NO NAP thanks to a cardiologist appointment (which went very well, I might add...only one more month of medication and then if all looks good, no mas!) Still, there was more to be done. We got the dog back to Judy's and then headed for the Mexican restaurant that Judy and John eat at apparently almost every night. No kidding, before we even sat down, Judy had her drink and the waitress didn't even bring menus because everyone at the table already knew it by heart (except me). Frank had met a lot of Judy's friends while she was staying with her while finishing up the school year and they all had to see the little man. I finally had to put my head in my diaper bag and start trying to sleep before they decided it was time to leave.

I caught a much-needed nap at Judy's house - not even quite an hour, but it's amazing what getting just a short catnap will do for you - and then headed to Beth and Chris' house so they could meet Liam. We stayed there until about 10pm and then headed into Temple to Uncle Jake and Aunt Tammy's house. After catching up until about 1am, we decided to head to bed. Liam had already been asleep on Tammy for about an hour, and since I had had such a long day, Thomas said he would take the first shift....which didn't come until after 7am! Solid was A-MAZ-ING! After a horrible breakfast (sorry Jake, Tammy and Andrew - Thomas picked the restaurant), we headed out to visit Tiffany and then went out to the grandparents' house where Liam got to meet his great-grandma and great-aunt and spent good time snuggling with everyone.

That night, we had a crew over at Jake and Tammy's for more meet and greets with Liam (Tammy & Jake - we owe you big! Thanks for everything and hopefully Tammy got some sleep before work!) However, after listening to Jake and Thomas tell stories about things they did when they were young, I'm strongly considering packing up my sweet little boy and bad influences from Uncle Jake or Daddy...I can't believe both of them survived to adulthood, or at least still have both eyes and all their fingers and toes. ;-)

After two busy, busy days, Liam rewarded us with another 6 hour sleep...woohoo! On Sunday, after breakfast and then a quick stop at the grandparents, we were fighting the wind on the way home, and made it to the house with ZERO stops. He slept the entire way and for a few minutes even when we got home. This much straight sleeping definitely sets a Liam record. We had a lot of stuff to unload (apparently, babies require lots and lots of equipment, more than even my SUV can hold because Frank is bringing back some of it that we didn't need for a few days), but the first thing I noticed was that something smelled funny in our house. We found out that MECO was locked in the closet under the stairs since Thursday night and had left us some "gifts". Even though Dad came and checked on the dogs every day, MECO never cried and let him know he was in the closet. Even after clearing out the blankets and running them through the wash, the closet still smells. Guess what I'm doing this week...grrr.


  1. Having grown up with two boys and being the mother of two (possibly three) of them heathens, they will do those wild things whether you lock them in a tower or not. They always manage to find a way. But they just have to give you that look and they'll melt your heart (well, most times). And trust me, when they get old enough to make trouble with Daddy and Uncle Jake, you'll be glad to get 'em out of your hair and as you catch a glimpse of them playing with Daddy in the backyard, you'll let it slide that they're staining their second pair of shorts of the day.
