Thursday, August 4, 2011

All About Liam

I guess that technically the last posting was really my birth story. Liam probably feels a little different about the process. He clearly wanted out as bad as I wanted him out. He came out with quite the cone-head from the several hours he spent working his way out until he got stuck. Apparently this is where all the pressure I was feeling was coming from. We also found out after the c-section that his umbilical cord was tied in a knot. The doctors and nurses couldn't believe that he had showed no signs of distress during the labor process. In a previous ultrasound, he had a nuchal cord, which meant it was wrapped around his neck. At that time, the doctor told us not to worry, most babies have that at some point and it almost always resolves itself before delivery. We were at 26 weeks, so there really was no reason for concern. Sometime between then and his birthday, he managed to swim himself into a knot (not really sure how he had room to do that). During the stress of labor, it would have been very easy for his knot to cause serious complications if it cut off his oxygen supply. Thankfully, Liam is one tough little man and although we had a c-section, it wasn't a true emergency like it easily could have been.

In his first few days of life, he's been the best baby. He softly cries when he has a dirty diaper, wails when you change him, and then stops instantly as soon as the new diaper is back on. That's really the only time he fusses. He takes down more formula than all the other babies in the nursery. He loves to snuggle up against you. He has a little bit of hair that ranges somewhere between dirty blond and brown. His eyes are blue, at least for now, but they have a small inner ring of brown which probably means they will change colors at some point. He loves people and has no problem being passed around the room - which is a good thing because he spends very little time not being held.

Little Liam gets to go home today and meet all his furry brothers and sisters. This will be an experience for all involved, I'm sure. I'll just be glad for a change of scenery after spending the past three days in this hospital room. Come and see us :)