Monday, May 23, 2011

T-minus 10 weeks and counting!

I'm not sure I can provide a completely accurate description of all this weekend's activities - it really went by in a blur. Plus, I've slept since then, so some things are kind of fuzzy, but I promise to give it my best. It started at about 9am on Saturday morning when we (Thomas, Deb and I) headed to Temple for the baby shower weekend. Deb was brave enough to tag along for the adventure, but only after she was promised Starbucks and an entertaining time (I think we made good on both promises). We made it to Green's Sausage House in Zabcikville (only 1 bathroom break, I might add!!) and had lunch. Then it was time to drop Thomas off at the parentals and head for the hotel. Frank, however, had other plans since according to her, the hotel would not let you check in before 3pm (more on that later). She wanted Deb and I to run errands with her - Deb and I wanted to nap. Somehow, Frank won and it was off to pick up baby shower super fern and take Deb on a second tour of Temple (I'm pretty sure she saw it all the first time we drove through it).

We got Frank to take us back to the hotel and check us in. I would like to take the time to point out that we were in the room at 2:55pm, meaning we had to have gotten to check in prior to 3pm thus meaning Frank delayed my nap an hour (never a good idea). After a good snooze, I woke up hungry (big surprise), and $1.25, two trips down the hall and a fight with the vending machine over a KitKat, Deb and I opted to head to Wendy's for a Frosty and french fries (I dip the fries in the Frosty - this is not a pregnancy-related occurrence, this pre-dates pregnancy). Good thing we ate a little something because the 6:30 arrival time at Thomas' brother's house did not correspond to dinner time. By 9pm, I was pretty sure I was going to pass out from starvation (I'm not dramatic at all), but Thomas' friend Jason was making pies and had enough sense to pass the preggo the spoon to lick. That held me off a little longer and since the boys were in a storytelling mood, Debs and I were well entertained.

Back to the hotel for some SNL and sleep. I will say the weather man was nice enough to only come on during the commercial break to tell us about the tornado warning and hail in the neighboring county, but he came on EVERY commercial break. Do you know how often SNL breaks for commercials? About every 3 minutes - it was ridiculous.

The night was relatively uneventful except for the cockroach I discovered in the bathroom during one of my nightly runs. Fortunately, I know how to handle myself in these situations and managed to throw a towel over it and exit the bathroom without having my feet touch the floor in case it managed to scurry out. Let me say that the escape from the bathroom was quite a feat with the belly. I'm not quite as mobile/agile as I like to think I am. Good thing I remembered to let Debs know not to move the towel that I had wadded up behind the door. Morning also brought an additional surprise when I discovered my change of underwear was torn on the side and was useless. Imagine how much fun Deb had watching me hang my washed-in-the-sink other pair of underwear from the bathroom door and blow dry it. You can laugh, but you can't say I'm not resourceful. Besides, there was no way I was going to my baby shower sans undies.

We got to the baby shower and it was amazing. The cake was absolutely adorable, there was a ton of food and cute decorations, and best of all, tons of people from my hometown were there to see me! It was SO wonderful to see all the teachers I used to work with and catch-up with all the friends I don't see nearly often enough. It's a good thing Frank herded me to the present-opening circle to get started, otherwise I could have talked with everyone for HOURS. I spent an hour and then some in the present-opening circle absolutely amazed at the generosity of everyone that came (and also probably equally amazed at the amount of stuff babies apparently require). Not to offend anyone, because EVERYTHING was perfect, amazing, and just what we needed, but the Aggie onesie that says "I Also Yell At Midnight" gets my vote for the most awesome baby thing of the day (thanks, Beth!). Tiffany (and whomever she commandeered to help her) also gets bonus points because she managed to get about 40 bags worth of stuff down to about 8 bags. And of course, a HUGE, HUGE thanks goes out to all the wonderful ladies (Tiff, Beth, Kayla, Erin, Frank, Judy, Erin, Genie, Carol, Tammy, Jean, and Margie) for pulling off a spectacular baby shower! I had a great time, and, thanks to Thomas, Liam's stuff is (mostly) put up in his room.

One of my favorite parts of the pregnancy has been watching Thomas' reactions to things. I had more fun watching him at the ultrasound than I did watching the actual ultrasound (of course, I'd already seen Liam in black-and-white a few times by then). I think he may enjoy the baby toys more than Liam will. When he unpacked everything yesterday and helped me sort it on the dining room table (which was completely covered - seriously, thanks to everyone for everything - I don't know what we'd do without you!), I think I heard more oohing and aahing out of him than I did the ladies at the baby shower.

I didn't get to watch him poke through the baby stuff for too long because I headed up to work for a big downlink event with Arizona. I love being in the production room when my events happen because I like knowing what's going on and there are some great folks that work over there. I was only planning to be gone about an hour and half, but I didn't come strolling back through my door until almost midnight. There were a few technical glitches that had to be worked out, but all in all, it turned out to be an awesome night. Of course, it was a LONG day for the preggo - starting with breakfast at 7:15am. Did I mention that during breakfast at the hotel Fox News mentioned my downlink and I started jumping up and down yelling "That's my downlink they are talking about!!" The couple next to me was just staring. Fortunately, they were the only ones in there besides me.

I've got good stories from today as well, but I'll save them for another post. For now, it's bed time!

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