Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hurricanes, Whales, Cats and Cramps

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, but for good reason. I simply do not have the energy to function anymore. I come home exhausted and hot, not wanting to do anything except starfish out on the couch under the living room fan. It doesn't matter if I'm coming home from work, the grocery store or from a short jaunt out to the mailbox...I can't function without a cool-down break. I've somehow managed to write thank you notes for the first baby shower (and deliver most of them). This next weekend, I'm going to attempt to get through the final set. Believe me, I'm extremely grateful for everything everyone has done for me, Thomas and Liam, but I would be more grateful if Thomas' handwriting was better than chicken scratch and I could just dictate what he needed to write.

Pregnancy symptoms/side effects are becoming more enjoyable (insert sarcastic eye roll here). I can't sleep thanks to Liam's gymnastics in his cramped space, plus the cramps in my legs, plus the heartburn, plus MECO's new habit of sleeping on me in the most uncomfortable way imaginable (okay, so that one's not necessarily pregnancy related, but I'm counting it because he goes straight for the belly) get the picture. People keep saying they can't believe I'm as far along as I am because I don't look that big. Maybe the boobs balance me out some, but trust me, it's quite a lot of belly that I'm hauling around. I have, however, figured out how to get my preggo self out of the bathtub without assistance, which is key when Thomas isn't home and I need a bath and not a shower (which is almost always because I can't stand up long enough to take a shower - too exhausting). I'm sure I could win Funniest Home Videos if I filmed it - there is a lot of flopping and flipping.

Thomas has been hard at work making the whale cut-outs for the nursery. He's done a really great job, even though I tease him mercilessly about the size of the whales (not exactly life-size, but he was headed that direction). Once we put the finishing touches on the nursery, I'll post pictures for everyone to see...or you can come visit because let's face it, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. On second thought, I retract that last statement. If anything remotely resembling a tropical anything points itself at Houston, I'll be the first evacuee out of Galveston County. I'm not going to end up on a Discovery Channel special about how I delivered my baby during a hurricane.

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