Friday, June 10, 2011

Wide Awake

Pregnancy is taking its toll...just take a look at this posting time. Yup, its 2am on a Thursday and I'm up watching old episodes of Degrassi and What I Like About You because there is nothing else on TV at this time of night. I actually went to bed early because I wasn't feeling good and cuddled up for some reading time with the Kindle. Thomas HATES this because the Kindle has an LED lamp attached so you can read in the dark and I have this knack of managing to shine it directly in his eyes at random moments. I feel asleep after only a few chapters, but was wide awake at 10:45pm and have been ever since.

It's mainly the heartburn/reflux that keeps me up. Burping up grossness combined with feeling nauseous just isn't a fabulous combination. Plus, since I haven't eaten anything since about 6pm, a bowl of Fruity Pebbles was an essential at 1:30am. It's not that I'm not tired - believe me, I'm exhausted - but I can't lay in bed and stare at the ceiling and I've already finished the book I started this evening.

The end is so close and yet so far away. The doctor wants to make sure I make it to at least 37 weeks (just about another 4 weeks), but between the heat, heart condition, size of the baby, size of the Becky (something I plan on remedying once I can get back on my exercise routine), she's worried that I might go into labor early and she wants us to try everything we can to ensure that doesn't happen. I haven't been put on bed rest, but I have been advised to "pull back" on as much activity and stress as possible. That's really not too hard. I haven't been anything close to active in weeks...or more like months. I don't have the strength or energy to do anything. In fact, I'm getting tired just watching the shake weight commercial. Plus, it's been ridiculously hot outside. No human, regardless of pregnancy status, should have to function in weather like this.

As an added bonus to all the other pregnancy function, I'm peeling. I've grown crocodile-esque scales everywhere - my scalp, feet, chest, belly, you name it. I've got skin literally flaking off of me. It's so gross. Now I'm sure this is exactly what you want to hear about, but it's a fact of pregnancy for me. I always promised to be open and honest on the blog...I wouldn't disappoint by leaving this fun stuff out.

I promise to post pictures of the nursery and baby bump soon. So far, I've done a relatively good job of not having pictures taken of the giant pregnant lady. I also don't want to take pictures of the nursery until we get it completed. I think we might be very close this weekend - one more trip downtown to Pottery Barn Kids and we'll have almost everything we need, except my chair and a small bookshelf for all the books Liam has. I'm fairly positive the kid has more clothes than me and Thomas combined. And, he's already doing quite well in the toy/stuffed animal department. Let me get things organized and I promise I'll post some pictures. I'm not really nesting yet - ask Thomas - I'm sure he can't wait for that "clean the house" instinct to kick in for me...he's been waiting almost 10 years for that to happen. Wow...almost 10 years - we moved in to our first apartment in College Station in August 2001. We've come a loooong way. I won't be able to attend our upcoming class reunion (there is no way I'm leaving the proximity of my hospital based on recent conversations with the delivering Liam on the side of the road between Hearne and Zabcikville for me!), but maybe Thomas can go and see the gang. I'll be here...relaxing in bed and running up our cable bill buying movies I wanted to see but didn't get a chance to while they were in theaters.

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