Saturday, June 18, 2011

As we get closer and closer to Liam's arrival, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what the little guy will look like. Thomas and I couldn't be more opposite in some of the looks categories. He's has blonde hair (well...kind of) and light blue eyes and I have dark hair and brown eyes. Thomas has little ears, and so do I, but I also have the "Neeley ears" gene - if you ever saw my Mom's father or knew Uncle Weldon, you know what Neeley ears are (think wind flaps). Both are families are tall, and boys can come in extra-tall as evidenced by Thomas' brother and a few of my cousins. I can play the genetics guessing game for days, but the truth is it really is a crapshoot. Take half of my genes, half of Thomas', shake them together and we'll see what happens soon enough. I'm not picky - I just want a healthy Liam - but I would love for him to have blue eyes. I'm a sucker for blue eyes.

The nursery will be at 100% completion this weekend and then we will post photos. My chair came in the mail yesterday and an early morning Ikea run (not my smartest moment, but it wasn't too bad...I just got really hot and wore out, but a nap fixed most of that) solved the problem of a side table. All Thomas has to do is assemble and then I can finish placing the last few pieces. Of course, friends and family are welcome anytime to see it in person. I can't go anywhere, so come see me! (and Thomas, and soon Liam...but mainly me - I'm the one that can't go anywhere or do anything).

I must say that Braxton-Hicks contractions are no joke. I'm apparently in the minority of first-time moms that can actually feel them. They come and go randomly, and are not comfortable. If these are the "practice" ones, I can't even imagine what a real one feels like. My belly gets so tight and it just does not feel good. Fortunately, when I move around, I can get it to ease up a little. This isn't exactly easy at work, though. I'm not going to lay on the floor of my office when I get them at work to try and make it feel better. In other pregnancy symptom news, I am happy to report that my sweat rash is doing much, much better. It's not gone, but it's no longer painful to sit down.

I'm sure I'll have more to post tomorrow - I know Thomas wants to get the nursery finalized as much as I do, so it will be at the top of his agenda tomorrow.

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