Sunday, February 13, 2011

Isn't It Too Early For Nesting?

Okay, so I think maybe the nesting bug has come to the Kamas house a little early. I cleaned out the hall closet which hasn't happened in at least a year. That was an experience in and of itself. Here's a brief list of things I found in there that don't belong: beach towel (nice and sandy from last beach trip...sometime in 2010), Pyrex dish with some liquid-y, unknown substance which I'm sure was food once upon a time, 2009 tax return forms and W-2s (we have a filing cabinet), workout clothes, lip gloss (there were some purses in there so we are going with it fell out of the purse), and Thomas' Crocs (yup...he has a pair - I don't, for the record). Not that the closet is clean and organized by any stretch of the imagination now, but it is at least not gross. Here's to keeping the vacuum's house a little neater in the future.

Speaking of vacuums, Thomas must have been bit by the nesting bug as well. In an effort to eliminate, as much as that can be done, our dog hair issue, he came back from lunch today (at Twin Peaks, where it just happened to be lingerie day) with a Roomba. I was under the impression that these Roomba things were about the size of a small dinner plate. Not the one we are now the proud owners's half the size of our coffee table. I will admit, it was hilarious to watch Thomas' reaction as it drove around the room under the coffee table (it's low to the ground, but if it could support my weight, I could surf on it...hmm, I bet it could support Daytona's weight....) and couch (which is cool - that's where all the collie hair accumulates). I however, counted the number of times in 10 minutes that it drove to the corner and tried to eat my drapes (6 times...yup, 6 times). However, according to the instructions it will spend the next few days "learning" the room, but will still return to spots repeatedly to make sure they are clean.

Now, I just have to remember to wake it up each morning and have it go on the hunt for dog hair. That's right, Thomas managed to buy exactly one model under the models that you can set on a schedule. I would like to point out for the record, that you can't make these stories up...this is my real life. Now my only question is, when are they going to make a robot that can fold and put up laundry? That would be really impressive.

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