Monday, February 21, 2011

Long Weekend

Three cheers for government holidays!! I took Friday off and had a delightful (and necessary) four day weekend! One of the big happenings this weekend was going with Frank to pick out stuff for her house. It's really starting to come together - there are walls up and everything. It's almost surreal...who would have thought two years ago that this would be where life would wind up taking my family? Even my sister will be in Houston for the summer - she has an internship in Dickinson. The stars apparently aligned and are bringing the whole clan to Galveston County. Just a quick aside for those who live in the G.C. - this "alignment" also practically guarantees that the weather gods will send at least one hurricane this way (just please, please not during the month of July...or really, just not at all!!).

Even though there was a lot of time for resting, it was also a very active weekend. Frank and her sister Judy are nuts...nuts in a good way, but nuts nonetheless. Most of the conversations we had in the car on our way to the Chocolate Bar (if you haven't been, it is absolutely as amazing as it sounds), should not ever be repeated - out in public or in the presence of any other humans. Poor Thomas...there was much too much estrogen in that car. However, he did bring some of that on himself...March 14th, hmmph.

On Sunday, Debs and I got pedicures, yogurt, and some much needed girl time, even though we had to watch the "Great American Race" at the nail salon. There was only one guy in the entire place, and he doesn't really strike me as the NASCAR type. To each his least the cute little kid won :)

Today I did a lot of lounging...I even managed to stay in bed until 10am - a very rare occurrence these days! I did watch a lot of crap TV and got my hair done. All in all, the wjavascript:void(0)eekend was just what this preggo needed, craziness and all.

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