Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Credit Where It's Due

It's only fair that I give Thomas the credit he truly deserves. Even though I tease him mercilessly and call him out often in the blog, I honestly don't know what I would do without him. Just to give you an idea of the kind of husband he is, here are a few of my favorite Thomas stories, which have sparked traditions for each of these occasions in the Kamas household:

Our First Christmas
Our first Christmas together was my freshman year at A&M (yes, we were "living in sin" - no judging!). Like just about any of the other kids in college, we were pretty close to flat broke. To top it off, I was having a really difficult time adjusting being away from home, even though home was a short 1-hour car ride away. Christmas was rapidly approaching and it certainly wasn't helping my mood. Now Christmas was (and still is) a big deal in my family. It's always been one of my favorite holidays, and not because of the presents. I love the decorations. I love the time with family. I love dragging 62 boxes out of Frank's attic to only use the stuff in about 3 of them. So needless to say, Christmas in College Station was going to be a tough one because I wasn't home to partake in all the pre-Christmas magic. We weren't having any magic decorating time at the apartment due to the financial issue. So imagine my surprise when I came home from class one day to see a little tree, decorated in Aggie Maroon and silver balls, with snow underneath. Thomas had gone shopping and spent every extra penny he had to make sure I felt like it was Christmas. I can't tell you what Thomas bought me that year, or what I got him...but we still have the Aggie tree.

To this day, our Christmas tree (a much bigger one, now) only has solid colored balls on it - simply because that's what our first Christmas tree had. And don't think for a second I won't pull out the Aggie tree and have an upstairs tree and a downstairs tree because I totally will.

The Valentine's Day Standard
We are not really "going out" for Valentine's Day people. We've got a simple routine down. Each year, when I come home from work, school, or whatever it was I happen to be doing at the time, I always find the same thing: a dozen roses, chocolate covered strawberries, and a politically incorrect Valentine's Day card. For at least the last seven years, without fail. And in a few more days, I'll walk in the door after work, and there it will be...either sitting on the buffet in the hall or lined up on one of the kitchen counters. It's one of my favorite "Thomas Traditions".

Since I told the story of our first Christmas, I should also tell the story of our first Valentine's Day in College Station. I can't recall if there were roses and strawberries, but I came home to a pitiful meowing sound. My first thought was that he had gotten me a kitten (I mentioned I was having a hard time adjusting...pets do wonders to make you feel needed), but it turns out he drove to Rogers and picked up my cat, Got Milk. (SPOILER ALERT: You may need tissues) This is the same cat that he has to take to the vet tomorrow to be put down - she has a blockage in her intestines that can't be cleared and she can't eat or go to the bathroom. He's been so patient with me the past few days as I go through my grieving process (lots and lots of tears) and I know he's going to miss her as much as I do. She wasn't just my cat, she was our first cat. It's forgive me if I'm not myself the next few days. The biting sarcasm will return - it never fails me long.

The Anniversaries
We got married on January 3, 2004, and since then, we've celebrated 7 anniversaries. Unfortunately, Thomas has only been well for I think 3 of them (and I might be being generous here). For a good 4-5 years in a row, an impressive streak, he would become ridiculously sick. Like 24 hours in bed, yakking up awfulness, coughing out a lung, a man actually deciding to go to the doctor sick. (To be fair, one year, I was right there with him.) We've spent anniversaries curled up on (separate - he's sick remember?) couches watching movie after movie because there was no way we were going out. However, in true hero husband style, somehow, someway he always manages to make a flower arrangement and a politically incorrect card (again - just like V-day) somehow appear. Here's hoping that just maybe we can have a nice evening out in 2012.

He makes me laugh. I miss him when we are apart. He takes care of all the icky things that really only boys should have to do. He is somehow perfectly engineered so that I can fit my head right in that sweet spot near his shoulder when I need to be held. He is loyal and compassionate, almost to a fault (he's the bleeding heart to my even more so bleeding heart). He has threatened, but will never follow through (woohoo!!) on getting rid of my 8th grade soccer t-shirt that is covered in paint and no longer shows my number. He's packed up and moved twice...for me, without question.

So, although I will soon be back to my normal self (and thus the postings will return to normal as well), I just needed to take some time, especially during this stressful week (this blog thing is beyond therapeutic) and share how incredibly lucky I am, and how thankful I am that Thomas is the man that will be by my and GB's side forever and always.

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