Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 15

It's hard to believe that I'm 15 weeks into this process. Honestly, it seems just like yesterday I was looking down at the stick on my bathroom floor in disbelief. People say you feel the best in your second trimester. Now while I'm certainly relieved that most of my issues (see earlier blog entries) have resolved themselves, I'm still waiting for that fantastic feeling. More often than not, I'm at the cross roads of utter exhaustion and the I-just-took-too-much-Nyquil (no, I'm not taking Nyquil, it's one of the many banned substances) feeling.

This weekend was the ultimate test of Preggo Becky. It started on Friday night with the ultimate Baby Shower Shop-a-thon. Starbucks, Apple, Target, The Party Store, HEB and two Chili's (don't ask) later, Debs and I finally called it a night with the plans to get started on the decorating at 11am in the morning so we could sleep in. body had other plans, and ridiculous times like 6:30am in mind.

So after an additional Starbucks (Hi my name is Becky and I have a problem - but at least its not caffeine!! I get smoothies!) run that thank goodness was inside a Target (yup, 2 days, 2 Target runs), we arrived at Preggo #1's house to setup. That means on Saturday I went strong from about 6:30am to 6:30pm before attempting to take a nap. Anyone that has ever been pregnant before knows that the odds of a pregnant functioning for 12 hours straight is roughly equivalent to the odds of said pregnant lady being able to walk past a Cinnabon without stopping.

That being said, the baby shower was awesome! I would have functioned even longer if need be. From the balloon art to the staircase decorated with onesies to all the cute clothes for the girls, it was an awesome day. The cake (oh the cake!) was amazing it was it probably due to the amount of sugar consumed as to why I was able to keep my eyes open.

I did manage to keep my eyes closed until 7:30 this morning, a treat in pregnancy land. I also topped off the afternoon with a 2 hour nap. Clearly week 15 is off to a roaring start...I will also point out, IN WRITING, that I did manage to fold ALL the clothes Thomas had piled up for me. Yes, he did help me put them up, but I folded them. Take that, husband. Documented evidence that I, the lazy preggo, did in fact accomplish something today, now out there for the world to see. :)

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