Saturday, January 22, 2011

Boys vs. Girls

I'm now to the point in this process where I'm often asked, "Do you know what you are having?" The answer is, "Not yet, but hopefully soon." This question is's the follow on question that trips me up: "Would you rather have a boy or a girl?" I know the stock answer is supposed to be "just a healthy baby", but I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. Sure, I want a healthy baby, you know, the kind with two arms, two legs, all the bits and pieces in place (and preferably the one that comes with an internal clock that matches my own), but if I sit and think about it, surely I have a preference...or do I? Let me lay me thoughts out for you.

Why I Want GB to be a Boy
1. Boys are cheaper than girls. (Just ask my dad)
2. My father has guaranteed that he will be all-state in baseball and will have a MLB contract by his junior year. (So I should start spending like the momma of a baseball superstar now, right?)
3. I won't have to be involved in the potty training. (I don't have the required equipment for a demonstration - there's now way I'm aiming at a cheerio)
4. He will have the most fantastic LEGO collection North America has ever seen. (Maybe I should rephrase that...Thomas will have a legitimate reason for amassing said LEGO collection)
5. The Green Bay Cheesehead hat that Thomas will have for the GB is totally a boy accessory.
6. I get to buy the Pottery Barn Kids Whale Bedding I love.

Why I Want GB to be a Girl
1. Pink Stuff (self-explanatory)
2. A solid guarantee that if I send the pretty, pretty princess in training to dad, she will get what she wants(and by she I mean way he can say no once I teach her the sad, puppy dog face)
3. Girl clothes are just way more awesome than boy clothes, and this fact was on full display today at the baby shower. Tutus, bows, hats, frills, ruffles, fur coats, you name it...and its all pink (reference girl reason #1)!
4. Prom dress shopping, wedding dress shopping...well, just shopping in general.
5. She can become a member of Girl Scout Troop - NASA Education division.
6. Mother/daughter spa days! none of my reasons for wanting it one way or the other are truly legit. Truth is, I'm split down the middle. Some days I want a boy, some days a girl. All I will say, is that at least if we have a girl, I don't have to worry about Thomas sneaking the name Aloysius Sinclair Kamas on the birth certificate, nor does he have to worry about me changing it to Seamus Amos Kamas in retaliation. We'll just have to think of other ways to torture the child :)


  1. Which ever one you don't have this time you can have next time.

  2. Item #1 under the Boy thoughts....boys are only cheaper until the age of 16 when their insurance is 5 times as high.

  3. Aloysius...Why did you put this in your blog? Now Thomas will have a reference to spell it on the birth certificate!!

  4. Seamus Amos Kamas has me laughing out loud!
