No, I did not spell "gummi" wrong - that's the German spelling and the way everyone in my family pronounces it (goo-me, not gum-me) with the exception of Thomas. Plus, that's what we are currently calling BK (Baby Kamas). As you can see from the sonogram picture, it's a pretty accurate description.
Today officially wraps up week 10 (okay, the day I started writing this post wrapped up week 10) and Thomas keeps reminding me I'm a quarter done. (P.S. Kamas - this does not help!!) The good news is I think I'm over the morning sickness, the bad news is I've now seen a book that thoughtfully depicts a circle with a 10cm diameter. Holy shnikes...I did not need that visual!
In other delightful happenings, I went and purchased maternity pants. It won't be long until my pants don't zip. This is where I get a little frustrated...remember the whole healthy weight loss business? Freaking out the window...+7lbs as of this morning. I was doing pretty well dropping poundage and then this "bump" in the road. Oh, is a happy bump even if it will cost me the sight of my feet for a few months.
I rang in the New Year snoozing in bed with preggo #1 Jessica (like we were really going to make it to midnight) while the boys rang it in with darts and a few bottles of who knows what. Even with napping, I still can't usually keep my eyes open past 10pm. So much for partying like its 2011.
Back to work tomorrow...time to go pack my snacks!
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