Sunday, March 20, 2011

But They Are Magically Delicious!

It's been a productive weekend. After braving Houston traffic to go see close friends who happened to be at the rodeo (never, ever, ever going to the rode on Spring Break Saturday EVER again), we picked up the baby furniture from Babies R Us (I've also added going to that store to my things I don't plan to ever do again list), went and got the dresser from Target, and picked up the paint from Home Depot. Of course, by this point we had been on the move for a good solid 7 hours which just happens to be about 6 hours more than I am useful for. Although Thomas was content to keep going and hit more stores for baby-related shopping, I called a time-out for a much needed rest. Turns out a short rest in the bed watching Big Love makes it a lot easier to go to Ben and Jerry's for some ice cream with Deb at 8pm...and I thought I was ready to call it a day. I'm apparently never too tired for a hot fudge sundae.

Today we painted the room...well, I helped. Don't get jumpy, the window was open, the room was well ventilated, and my main role was taping anyways. I did a little trim work, but when it was time for the real painting to start, I vacated the room. I won't pretend that was totally related to the pregnancy - I usually take on more of a supervisory role when it comes to home improvements anyways. Once the room dries, we'll start putting the furniture together. We have a crib, changing table and a dresser, but I still need to buy a chair. Naturally I don't want just any chair (surely by now you've gleaned from the blog that I'm a *little* spoiled), I want Pottery Barn's Ultimate Swivel Glider. It's the most amazing thing I've ever sat doesn't only glide, it swivels. It's also like triple to cost of any of the other chairs often seen in nursery (just pointing out, these inferior chairs don't swivel!). I figure if I save up for a few months and whine enough, I just might get it. Besides, if I'm going to be upstairs feeding Liam at 2am in the morning, shouldn't a girl at least be comfortable?

I should have been on a plane today bound for NYC, but, per doctor's (actually more like doctors') orders, I'm here in H-town, enjoying the beautiful weather, and thinking good thoughts for those that went in my place. I wish I could be there, but I'm not complaining. I completely understand why I've been "grounded". I get winded going up the stairs, I can't put up the laundry without taking a break, I still get light-headed from time to time (although MUCH less frequently now thanks to the magic pills). It's the right thing to do for me and Liam, even if I am missing out on some fabulous travel opportunities. Plus, I'm being good and following doctor orders. I even bought Honey Nut Cheerios today instead of Lucky Charms after the OB about had a conniption fit when I told her what I had eaten for breakfast the morning of my appointment (perhaps she doesn't understand that they are magically delicious!). I'm trying to be good...but a preggo has to get her sugar fix!

As the picture up at the top says, **ONLY** 133 days to go...

1 comment:

  1. I am living proof. The second trimester was great and then it was downhill from there. Enjoy the good life and hopefully, yours will last longer than mine did.
