Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Seeing Green

I have a flaw (okay, I have a lot of flaws, but this one seems to keep rearing its ugly head). I apparently lack the gene that allows me to pick out a paint color for a spare bedroom. It's definitely spare bedroom specific because I've knocked it out of the park in the house, the bathrooms, our room, you name it...but Liam's room (former spare bedroom) is a horrible, horrible green. It was also a spare bedroom I had Thomas paint "Parchment Paper" in Temple - should have been a light beige, turns out it was the color of primer. I know...Thomas accidentally got primer on the wall and you couldn't even tell.

Now, for Liam's room - I must say it didn't look horrible on the paint chip. It didn't look horrible on the 2ft x 2ft square Thomas painted when we were checking out colors, but it is full on AWFUL now that it's on every wall. I swear the walls are glowing. Why green when I'm doing a whale bedroom? Well, blue would have just blended right in, and I laughed when Thomas said I'm thinking a light gray would be perfect. Damn...Thomas has only been right one other time during the pregnancy (when he said the whale knobs would look better with white furniture), and now he's upped his record to 2 (he's still far behind, but he's gaining ground!!).

He's a good husband - he assembled the (white) furniture and arranged it all in the room, and keeps telling me that it looks better with the furniture and it will look even better when we get all the other "stuff" in there. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way that I do, but he knows if he admits it he will have to repaint the room. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's what's going to happen this weekend. I cannot live with the green. No amount of "it's a baby's supposed to be bright and cheerful" is going to save this one. I'll retape and help repaint if that will help convince him that we just cannot have this color in our house.

I'm owning up to this one - it's totally my fault that the world's worst paint color is upstairs mocking me. I can't even go look at - the sight of it makes me sick. Grr...looks like it's back to to find the magic shade of gray that makes me happy. Then it's on to pouting and pulling the pregnancy card to get Thomas to go buy more paint and paint supplies, and not spend his weekend resting...

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