Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Turtle

It's happened. I'm officially too pregnant to get myself off the couch after sinking into the cushions without assistance. I'm like a turtle on its back. I can't right myself. All I can do it wiggle back and forth hoping eventually I'll gain enough momentum to make it to the side. Or the other option - to wait for a nice enough human to come by and take pity on my plight and help get me mobile and on my way again. And this is only the beginning - I'm only going to get bigger from here. Imagine my strife as I lay here writing this blog realizing my pregnant butt (which is larger - but wider larger, not bubble larger...yup, still flat - bunch of bs) is sinking further and further in between the couch cushions and my only chance of human intervention is about 20 feet away, snoring soundly and more than likely snuggled up to my body pillow which I will have to steal back in an hour or two (assuming I make it off the couch tonight).

I did talk Thomas into repainting the room. Of course, this didn't come without the mass grief I knew I would get when I told him I thought a blue-y gray color would be ideal. Yes, Thomas, once again I will put on the blog that you had that thought originally and I laughed at you and said no freaking way. You were right and I was wrong. Enjoy that...relish it...I plan on it being a long, long time before that happens again. I hereby, forthwith and all other forms of lawyer speak withdraw myself from the choosing of paint colors. I will continue on in my duties as head house designer/decorator, but will delegate the selection of paint colors to someone else...but not before I send Thomas to Home Depot to bring back pots of color to test on the wall that I think will look good. I'll just give him the final decision.

Thomas thinks my demands for the furniture to be immediately assembled upon its arrival at the house and my desire to have the room repainted as soon as possible are signs of me nesting. Maybe, to some extent, but more likely I've looked at the calendar and have seen how much crazy is happening between now and July and decided sooner is better than later. Besides, if I've already turned into a turtle, how much longer can I possibly continue trekking up the stairs to monitor progress?

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