Sunday, March 13, 2011

Halfway There

So, today marks the halfway point of the pregnancy; however, I'm pretty sure it's not all downhill from here. I'm thinking the next twenty weeks (or less) will pretty much drag along at snail's pace because, let's face it, that's about how fast I'm moving these days. People keep telling me about the miracle that is the 2nd trimester and how you get all this energy...I'm calling b.s., people. True, my lack of energy may have something to do with the heart issues since I'm essentially working out all day long, but still. I spent all day in bed yesterday, took about a 4 hour nap and managed to sleep for 10 hours last night (minus bathroom breaks). I shouldn't have any problem nodding off again tonight, either. Second trimester energy...hmmph.

From the last post, you probably saw that we learned that we are having a boy, and it is quite possible that Thomas will get his Samoan after all (no, not an actual Samoan, but possibly a kid of that stature). Here's the story behind the Samoan deal - Thomas wants to a adopt a Samoan kid because of some crazy stat like a plain-Jane American male has like less than a 1% chance of making into the NFL, but for a Samoan it's like 50%. Hence, Thomas wanting to adopt a Samoan. Yes, I know...I live with him. But, our kiddo is measuring almost a week ahead in most departments, and week plus a couple days in the legs department. Just what I need, another man I can't look in the eye without standing on my tippy-toes (and it's a stretch even then).

Of course, once you learn what you are having, all the really fun stuff can begin. I'm an organizer and a planner (hush Thomas - I didn't say I was a cleaner - organizing is different) and I like to have things wrapped up well in advance. I'm also an analytical thinker, so when it came to choosing a name, we highlighted every name in a 500 page book we could live with, drew up a chart, made the different combinations, and started working through what we liked and didn't like. The highlighting in the book took several weeks, but once we found it we were having a boy, it took all of three days (and not even whole days) to arrive at Liam Weston Kamas...yup, that's how we roll. The name doesn't have any particular special meaning or origin to us, we just like it. But it is kind of cool that Liam is short for William, and I just happen to be married to Thomas William...seriously though, that's about as close as I can get to having a "Junior".

It's also time to start nailing down all the fine little details - I know I have about zero control over how and when this little man plans on making his entrance into the world, therefore, I must control and have worked out every single other detail possible. Thus, we are registered for the baby gear (hooray - I get my PotteryBarn Kids whales!!), although I'm sure I'm missing probably 400 things that I *need* on the list (but I'm also sure people will tell me what those missing things are), we've picked out and ordered most of the furniture (just a dresser to go), we've chosen our name, and today we selected a paint color for the nursery. I'm on this...I think.

It's starting to become real - every time I see him on an ultrasound, hear his heartbeat, feel a fluttering kick, or we take a major step, it becomes more and more real. Not that I've been pretending this isn't happening, but it's hard to look ahead and see how this life-changing event is going to, well, change your life. It's not quite time for me to get my momma on, but the good news is that there are plenty of beautiful babies around for me to get my fix :)

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