Wednesday, July 20, 2011


From time to time, I go on the online communities and see what the preggo world is talking about. Most of the time it's first time mom's asking questions about labor, delivery, what contractions feel like, etc., etc., but it's also a whole lot of complaining and whining (which I'm totally not guilty of, right...?). One of the biggest whines is the "failure to progress" whine, which is usually along the lines of "I've been 3 cm for two weeks and still no labor". I usually dismiss these posts, never quite grasping how it felt to have your body let you down. Obviously something is happening or you would be at a 0, so how bad can it possibly be?

Well, enter Tuesday, when I found out that after an entire week, my numbers were exactly the same as they were the previous Tuesday - 1cm and 30%. When she told me, I finally understood how the women on the boards felt. I felt could my body have let me down? Seven whole days and I managed to accomplish nothing!?! Just a few short weeks ago we were talking about the importance of me taking it easy to make sure I safely made it to 37 weeks, and now I'm being encouraged to walk, move, do anything to get labor going (all while still following the instructions of the cardiologist to "take it easy" and not get my heart rate up). Sure, no problem. Let me try to kick start labor while at the same time continue on modified bed rest with my feet up the majority of the problem.

We had a brief moment of panic today when Liam decided to stop moving for three solid hours, even after I drank a soda to try and jump start him. By now, I'm so used to him jamming me in ribs (often times hard enough to make me wince or cry out), that to not feel anything for a few hours was a bit scary. We were just about ready to call the on-call doctor when he woke up and turned my belly into his punching bag for a good solid hour. He's only taken a few breaks since then, and makes sure to land a few kicks every 30 minutes or so. It's almost like he's telling me, "See Mom? I'm's what you get for worrying."

In other Kamas family news, MECO has been going extra crazy lately. His new favorite thing? Putting himself in "jail". We have a folding screen in front of the fireplace and he will push one side in, jump up into the fireplace, and then jump out so he is behind the screen. He will then sit there, behind the screen, with his big cat eyes, and look at me all sad. He will then "trumpet" (MECO-language for his meowing) until I go and "rescue" him. This game is only fun for MECO...