Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Making Some Progress

Well, some progress is being made in Operation Get Liam Out. According to the doctor, I'm 1cm and 30% effaced. It's not much, but it's definitely more than last week. Although, I contend that the better news is that I lost a pound. It seems counter-intuitive to actually lose weight these last few weeks, but it's actually a sign of labor getting close. The baby keeps gaining, but the mom actually loses a pound or two. Small victory...these days, it's all about the small victories.

When I told Thomas the news, his response was "Only nine more centimeters to go." Ha. Easier said than done, Kamas. Unfortunately, there is no schedule, rhyme or reason to how these things go. It could be tonight, it could be two weeks from now. The doctor said the goal for next week is 3cm, but in the same breath she said we could also hope to deliver at 38.5 weeks. News flash - next Tuesday is 38 weeks, 2 days...so apparently she's thinking next Wednesday or Thursday. She also continues to remind me that there is a big baby hanging out in my belly. Trust me - I'm aware. I'm definitely aware at night when I swing the belly back and forth as I toss and turn, trying to find a comfortable position to get some sleep. On the rare occasion I can get comfortable, it's usually only 5-10 minutes before I have to get up to go to the bathroom.

I've continued to become more and more uncomfortable. I've figured out a way to arrange the pillows in my bed so that I can continue to type on the computer while lying down...kind of. It works for the first couple of hours, then I have to rearrange. Thomas is absolutely loving the fact that our bedroom is now our office and looks forward to moving the computer and my stacks of paper each night so that he can go to bed. Hehehe...just a little payback for the nine months. Nothing too bad ;)

Celebrities have all decided to give birth this week - Kate Hudson, Jewel, Victoria Beckham. Can't a regular gal catch a break and join the club?