Sunday, July 24, 2011

Failed Attempt #1

We had our first failed attempt to have Liam last night. After heading to the bed to watch some TV around 9pm, Liam went nuts. He kept kicking and rolling and wouldn't stop. Around 11:00pm, I also started getting stabbing pains in my lower pelvic region that were very short, but very painful. We called the on-call doctor (miracle of miracles, it happened to be MY doctor), and she said to come on in and get checked. We got to the ER around 11:45pm and headed up to labor and delivery. After answering nine million questions from our very sweet nurse, I got hooked up to all the monitors and quickly learned several things:

1. Liam was fine, although very uncooperative to have the heart monitor put on me in a place where it would be comfortable. He much preferred the bed at the most inconvenient, awful angle possible and only after he danced around for five minutes while she tried to find his heartbeat.

2. I was having contractions roughly every 2.5 minutes, but was only feeling about every third one.

3. Having contractions every 2.5 minutes can mean absolutely nothing in the labor and delivery world.

4. After almost another whole week, I was now dilated to a 1+ (hey, I added a plus), and 50% effaced. Not in "labor".

She told me that she would come back in an hour and check me and see if the contractions, which were very regular and starting to become more painful as I laid on my back, were doing anything. One whole hour later, zero progress, and I got sent home with instructions to take a warm bath, take a Tylenol, drink as much water as I could and get some sleep. Ha, did they really think I could sleep? Turns out, wasn't really a problem. With the exception of a few bathroom breaks, I slept like a rock from 3:30am until around 10:30am.

Here's hoping attempt #2 is more successful than attempt #1!