Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Few Steps Forward

Well, we got decent news at the appointment today. Progress is being made. After being measured as a 1+ and 50% at the hospital on Saturday night (which quickly became Sunday morning), by today we are at a solid 2cm and 70% effaced. Things are happening, just slower than I prefer. Although the doctor is hopeful (and was actually hopeful on Saturday and was ready to come in for Liam's arrival), we went ahead and scheduled my 40 week and 2 day appointment for August 2. I want a July baby...I don't want to wait until August!

If I make it to the next appointment, we'll then talk about induction. Until then, she's hoping it happens on its own, without medical intervention, which is better for me and the baby. I understand...I'd rather not have to be induced since I understand that being put on Pitocin can cause some seriously painful contractions. After experiencing a couple of real ones on Saturday, I'm not looking forward to having "more painful than normal" contractions. The regular ones are just fine, thank you. Plus, Thomas likes to give me the play-by-play when he watches the monitors. I can tell by his face that one is coming because he looks at my face expectantly, waiting for it to scrunch up or for me to moan and breathe through it. He'll then tell me, "Yeah, that one went up to like 90...". Yup, thanks dear, I know. I don't care what the nurses say about that device not being able to really measure the strength of the contractions. If the numbers are going up, so is my level of pain.

I'm going to attempt to walk tonight to help bring on labor. I say "attempt" because there are a few factors that could ruin this plan. First, I can't really "walk" - my hips are beyond sore so I do a form of shuffling/waddling. Second, it's ridiculously hot outside. Yes, I know. I live in Houston. It's July. Of course it's hot outside. I don't want to walk too far away from my house where there is air conditioning and ice water when the temperature plus the humidity level totals over 150, even after the sun goes down. Thomas might actually have to follow behind me in the car so that when I'm done, I can be returned to the house. Or maybe I won't even leave the house...there is ice cream here.